Sunday, February 19, 2012

What kind of legacy are you leaving?
When thinking of leaving a legacy, many people will think about monetary inheritances or even accomplishing something that people will remember. We have the King of Rock and Roll and the King of Pop. Though I've listened to the music of both, neither has truly had a lasting affect on my life.
My grandmother left a legacy to me. It doesn't consist of money or valuables, yet its affect still lives on even though she's been gone for many years. Her legacy was a godly one. I watched as she read her Bible every night. I saw her literally drag herself to church even though her arthritis was so advanced. She set an example of loving other brothers and sisters in Christ when she ministered to them through making a dish of food or sending them a card.
I've seen this godly legacy carried on through my mother, and I strive to carry on the tradition. I'm trying to intentionally pass on the traits of being a godly woman to my own daughter. This is a legacy with lasting affect.
My grandmother never heard cheers from large audiences or accumulated lots of money, but I'm sure when she arrived in heaven she heard: "Well done thy good and faithful servant. Enter into your eternal reward."
Now that's accolades!

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