Tuesday, March 25, 2014

SPRING - A Time of Renewal

Spring certainly conjures images of new growth and renewal. Around our town we've been admiring the first flowers blooming. Those pretty little yellow daffodils that my mamaw called buttercups. But, this year it seems spring is being resistant to come, bringing warmer temperatures.

Just today we awakened to bright sunshine streaming through the blinds. Then as my daughter and I ventured out to eat in the early afternoon, we were surprised to peer out the restaurant window to snow. This wasn't a mere flurry. This was big swirling flakes peppering down. By the time we paid our bill and stepped outside, the snow was gone, leaving only wet ground, and the sun had burst forth again.

We East Tennesseans simply shrug and say: "That's East Tennessee for ya. If you don't like the weather, stick around, it'll change."

Do you ever need a renewal in your Christian walk? You know the times when you let your relationship with Christ grow a bit stale. You might even slip into old habits.

The Psalmist could relate obviously. Read these verses from Psalm 51:10-12.

"Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from they presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit."

Despite the fact that winter is trying to hold on around here, those little yellow buttercups pushed their way out and bloomed. Their bright yellow says to me that the warmth of the spring is just around the corner. Hold on.

In the same way the Spirit nudges and says that we need to get connected once again. We've been resistant and remained cold. We need to come clean and ask God to renew us and restore our joy that is only available through Him.

Let's be like those little flowers and show the Sonshine even if the world is resistant.

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