Saturday, March 1, 2014


Sorry to be MIA from this blog recently. Due to some internet issues, I'm composing this on my tablet since my laptop won't allow me to post right now.

To affirm means to confirm, to assert positively. An affirmation means to make a declaration or profession.

We all enjoy feeling affirmed in all areas of our lives, especially in our work. Who doesn't like to receive that pat on the back and a rousing verse of "you're doing a good job?"

But, what about affirmation from God that we're on the right track? These confirmations are clear when we watch for what our Father is communicating.

Recently, I began the slippery slope into a pity party. I wondered just what effect my writing ministry was having. I mean, was I truly reaching anyone through my writing?

My mother called to tell me that a woman in her Sunday School class had stayed up late reading my book, Be The Blessing. In tears she told how she was encouraged to keep living for Christ and being a blessing to others despite being confined to a wheelchair.

Affirmation number one.

The publisher of Brave New Century placed the book on an ereader promotion site and dropped the price for a couple of days. The book went to #5 on Amazon's Christian Historical Romance category.

Affirmation number two.

A fellow author thanked me for the devotional thoughts I share on this blog.

Affirmation number three.

I could go on. But why do I share this? Not to "toot my own horn." On the contrary - God doesn't want us walking around defeated. He declares that we are more than conquerors. And I've always heard that if He calls us to something, He'll make it so.

We should practice this habit of affirmation with those around us - those Christian brothers and sisters we are called to spur on.

Have you told your pastor how much a message meant to you? Have you thanked that Sunday school teacher for her faithfulness? Have you praised that co-worker for how he shows Christ everyday?

Speak of word of affirmation to encourage a Christian brother or sister today. These days are hard and pull us down. We need words of affirmation to spur us on to accomplish God's will.

I'll start: Thank you, sweet blog reader, for taking time from your day to share a moment with me. You've blessed me!


Patti Shene said...

Paula, I know just what you mean. There are times when we wonder if our words have a positive impact on anyone, then we receive affirmation, often from an unexpected source. Thanks for sharing this post.

Brooksie said...

Oh girlfriend, I have watched God affirm you from the get go. I have no doubt of your impact. You have impacted my life for the better in ways you can't imagine. I love you and thank for always being there!