Saturday, March 23, 2013

God Doesn't Call Stereotypes

Recently, I was asked by a pastor's wife to contribute to a book she is doing. I'll be sharing more about that book later as it comes about in the months to come. But, what I wrote to include in that book got me to thinking.

I have been a minister's wife since 1989 when my husband served in children's ministry, rec ministry, and education ministry. In 1994, my husband became a pastor, and I struggled with that new label of pastor's wife. I thought back to pastors' wives I had known growing up. I couldn't be like that! I was comparing myself to a stereotype.

The problem with that thinking was that God had not called me to be a stereotype.

Let me broaden this idea. So often we label ourselves by stereotypes and then try to live up to those standards. We do this in various roles from parenting to our career. We have to be "Super Mom" or "Super Dad." We have to reach a certain level in our career. We feel pressured to act a certain way or do certain activities.

Again, I reiterate: God has not called us to be stereotypes.

You were fearfully and wonderfully made. You are unique - not another person in the world has your specific personality, gifts, or talents. You were placed in this time to do what only you can do.

"I would have never guessed you were a pastor's wife."

When I first heard this, I wondered if it was a compliment or not. Now, I take it as one. God has made me unique. I'm not supposed to look and act like other pastors' wives.

What about you? Are you living according to some preconceived stereotype?

We as Christians aren't called to live according to a stereotype. We must live according to God's calling on our individual lives.

What I would really like to hear is: "I just knew you were a Christian!"

1 comment:

Brooksie said...

so true! We are more worried about what society expects of us than what God does. We are more concerned about fitting in than standing up for God.