Friday, October 3, 2014

Don't Limp Through Your Day

Just a few days ago this phrase showed up in my Jesus Calling devotional. My eyes widened when I read the line. Why? I had been doing some major limping through several days. But, God didn't intend for me to just limp or just make it through a day. He planned for me to abound.

Scripture says that Jesus came to give us life more abundantly. (John 10:10)

In another area of scripture this same concept comes up.

"Finally then, brothers, we ask and encourage you in the Lord Jesus, that as you have received from us how you must walk and please God - as you are doing - do so even more." 1 Thess. 4:1

Beth Moore in her study, Children of the Day, says, "God has an affinity for lengthening cords and extending boundaries with a person willing to be stretched by Him. No matter who you are, where you've been, or what you've done, God has handpicked you to abound."

To continue to walk in the way God would want me to walk, it might take some stretching. I have to make the effort and be willing to do what He has planned for me if I want to experience the abundance He has for me.

I can settle. I can go through the motions. I can worry about tomorrow or have regrets about yesterday. But, that won't get me the abounding life that God so wants me to have. Those worries and distractions rob me of the abundant life I can have through God today. That is what causes me to limp through my day, defeated.

God wants me leave all those things that would pull me down to Him. Then, I can concentrate on seeing and doing all that He has planned for me which will lead to that abundant life.

Lord, help me to bask in Your presence more and more and never settle for just limping through a day. Help me reach for Your abundant way of living.

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