Saturday, November 7, 2015

But We Haven't Had Thanksgiving Yet!

Okay, I can get into Christmas just like the next person, but I do get a little ticked in the spirit when we scoot right over Thanksgiving. Could that actually be a testimony as to how we're really living?

As the Christmas lights and trees start to go up, I begin my agonizing over what gifts should be purchased for what person. My mind plots and plans what decorations will go where in my house. My blood pressure raises as I contemplate all of the events I need to cram into my schedule. I've even heard a song about making sure the real meaning of Christmas isn't forgotten.

STOP! Come to a screeching halt.

First, I must honor Thanksgiving - not just the eating. The giving of thanks. A moment to pause and really thank God from the bottom of my heart for things I have taken for granted. So, here's my thankful list, though I know there is much more I could include.

*Thank You, God, for your continued presence and guidance throughout this year.
*Thank You for keeping my family safe.
*Thank You for a roof over my head and helping us find that shelter when we suddenly had to move this summer.
*Thank You for continued health for my family.
*Thank You for healing and good report for my dad during a health scare this year.
*Thank You for a job that allows me to pay for my daughter's college tuition.
*Thank You for allowing me to get three book contracts.
*Thank You for choosing me to write stories and weave Your truths into them.
*Thank You for being associated with a publisher who is a Christian and lives and runs her business on Christian principles.
*Thank You for putting me together with some great writers and letting me help them achieve their dream of publication.
*Thank You for blessing me with a return invitation to the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference. I love teaching there and hanging out with other Christian writers.
*Thank You for a loving and supportive husband, who still blows me away with the wisdom and practicality of his sermons.
*Thank You for a beautiful, smart, and supportive daughter.

I could go on, but you get the idea.

Are there things you should thank God for before jumping into this hustle bustle season? Go ahead. Take some time for Thanksgiving.

I'll add this one: Thank You for readers who have no idea how they bless me.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Julie from TX said...

I agree.
Thank you! (no pun intended...well maybe)

Unknown said...

And I'm thankful to have such a wonderful and godly friend as you.

Unknown said...

Yes, too much skipping past Thanksgiving onto the stress of making Christmas wonderful for everyone :( Sometimes there needs to be a hearty 'thank you for not answering THAT prayer because, Lord, you are good to me like that."

Paula Mowery said...

Julie, glad this resonated with you. Thanks for stopping by.

Paula Mowery said...

Brooke, the feeling is mutual!

Paula Mowery said...

Mary, I agree. What good is Christmas if we're stressing ourselves to death? Thanks for stopping by.