Monday, January 1, 2018

Be Careful What You Do New Year's Day

My Mamaw Lindsey used to say this. She would explain that the things you do on New Year's Day would be the things you would be doing the most throughout the new year.

She would warn against doing laundry unless that's what you wanted to do all year long. Thinking back - Did I do laundry on New Year's Day last year? I must have. I seemed to always have a mountain of it. She warned about doing dishes too. I won't go there.

As I sat down at my desk this morning, I jumped into my study for my one word for this year. Then I thought about how studying God's Word is a good thing to do today in hopes that I might do a lot of that this year.

As I've already shared, my one word for this year is SURRENDERED. First, I looked up all the forms of surrender in my big concordance. I wrote each verse address at the top of one of my devotional journal pages.

Even though some of the verses refer to actual surrendering like during war or sieges in the Bible, I've been able to glean something from each verse to apply to my life. Of course, I'm a firm believer in the Bible being the living Word of God. And the Spirit can illuminate principles to me no matter where the verse in found.

I also went on a search for a devotional book or study of some kind on surrender. I found one that I think will fit my needs well. It is called Surrender; The Heart God Controls by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. I read through the preface and introduction yesterday. Seems like it will be a great read.

I'm hopeful that my mamaw's idea will ring true, and I'll be into His Word a lot this year.

The other thing I did was to make breakfast for my family. I broke open the baking mix and tried my hand at cinnamon biscuits with powdered sugar icing. Must have been okay because the pan is empty. I will be making what my daughter feels is the traditional meal for New Year's Day - cube steak, mashed potatoes, green peas, rolls, and country gravy.

Though Mamaw might warn me about the cooking, I think the idea of providing for my family is just fine for something to spend time doing this year. Now, I will definitely take help cleaning the dishes!

Precious Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I pray you begin your New Year with those things that are important to you and those things that might become the good habits.

What are you filling your New Year with?

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