Friday, February 9, 2018

Trust or Tyranny?

Here's the newest hit-me-between-the-eyes quote from DeMoss' Surrender book:

"Trust the promises of God or live under the tyranny of that which you will not surrender."

DeMoss states that God wants us to experience provision, pleasure, protection, and personal relationships - but these are to be sought in Him.

The author also states that God doesn't want us to settle for substitutes for the real thing.

My dear friends, I so want to be able to get the real things when it comes to these areas of my life. But my trust wanes sometimes.

PROVISION - Will He give me things I think I need? Will He provide the way I want?

PLEASURE - Will He let me enjoy the things I want to? Will He make me give up things I don't want to?

PROTECTION - Will He allow sickness into my life or the lives of those I love? How is that protection?

PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS - Will He make me pray His total will be done in the lives of my family?

Did you see how often the word me appears? Yep, that was an eye opener when I reviewed what I just typed. But it is so true. If I hold on to control of these things, they will end up controlling me. These things can also drive a wedge between me and God. This is the whole point - to be closer to Him and give Him all the control.

The heart of the matter truly is: Can I trust God? Will I trust God?

My "head" answer and the expected one is, "Of course, I trust God." But the proof isn't in saying it. The proof is daily trusting Him in all areas. Yeah, that's full surrender.

Oh, precious sisters and brothers in Christ, I'm still working on it, but I don't want to settle for anything less than His real thing.

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