Saturday, February 24, 2018

Why Did God Do That?

This is a reprint of a blog post from Putting on the New, a group blog I post to every 20th of the month. But I just wanted to share this with those of you readers here as well. 

Working in a high school, last week’s topic was all about the tragedy in Florida. The kids talked about it. The administration called meetings about it. And we all thought about it.

It was interesting to listen to the students and even adults talk about their feelings. Naturally, you tend to hear the classic: Why did God do that? Or, Why did God allow that? Or, How can a loving God allow bad things like that to happen?

My pastor/hubby addressed this in his sermon on Sunday. There was a particular statement that stood out to me: God gets blamed for people making wrong choices or decisions.

This is true! We all have freedom to choose good or bad. Because there are those people who don’t follow God and choose evil, bad things happen.

God didn’t cause that young man to go into that school and shoot people, but He did allow it. Why? Again, we are given the freedom to choose right from wrong. And there are people who follow an evil path, prodded by the devil.

Yeah, some would say because I said that the devil prodded the young man on, I am crazy. But the devil is said to be one to steal, kill, and destroy. He wants nothing more than for someone to go against God. This is satan’s whole mission.

Even when someone does such an evil act, God picks up the pieces for His children.
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

Precious sisters and brothers in Christ, we live in a fallen world. But we have hope in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We may have to endure trials and tragedies, but God can bring good from it for His children. And ultimately, we know we have the hope of glory – heaven awaits us. And the devil already knows his destiny too. He loses. But we win!

So don’t be discouraged and think God doesn’t care. He loves us with an everlasting love. Don’t blame Him for the evil done by people. But do count on Him to comfort and be near and bring something good from it.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

My Way

This week I finished the Nancy DeMoss book called Surrender. Here's some things that stuck out to me.

"Jesus said: 'Why do you call me Lord, Lord and do not do what I say?'" Luke 6:46

"In other words: Why do you claim that I am in charge of your life but you run your life as if you were in charge? You don't ask me what I want you to do, and even when you know what I want you to do, you still insist on doing it your way!"

OUCH! Anybody else get their toes stomped on with those two quotes?

Ultimately and in many instances, I do allow Jesus have to control. But there are those times when I pull back a bit. It's like I don't fully trust that He has the best for me and what is in my best interest.

Suppose His best for me right now isn't comfortable? I might need to go through a trial of some sort to learn the next lesson He has for me. However, in my humanness I would prefer to avoid that which might cause me any kind of pain or uncomfortable feeling.

As I typed those words, admitting them, I realize just how pouty that sounds. Jesus endured much for me in the areas of pain and uncomfortable moments. I will never have to endure anything close to what He did for me.

And yet, here I am still holding back sometimes like I could "test" and see if I really want to jump all the way into surrender. Nope, that ain't it. Yes, I just said ain't.

DeMoss says, "the will of God is exactly what we would choose if we knew what God knows." But I don't know. That's where the trust and faith come in.

Surrender is bowing the knee to God. Not compromising or holding back. Giving Him all of me.

Praying that God will help with total surrender to Him and His way.

How about you? Do you find yourself hesitant or resist in some ways? Share in the comments. 

Friday, February 9, 2018

Trust or Tyranny?

Here's the newest hit-me-between-the-eyes quote from DeMoss' Surrender book:

"Trust the promises of God or live under the tyranny of that which you will not surrender."

DeMoss states that God wants us to experience provision, pleasure, protection, and personal relationships - but these are to be sought in Him.

The author also states that God doesn't want us to settle for substitutes for the real thing.

My dear friends, I so want to be able to get the real things when it comes to these areas of my life. But my trust wanes sometimes.

PROVISION - Will He give me things I think I need? Will He provide the way I want?

PLEASURE - Will He let me enjoy the things I want to? Will He make me give up things I don't want to?

PROTECTION - Will He allow sickness into my life or the lives of those I love? How is that protection?

PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS - Will He make me pray His total will be done in the lives of my family?

Did you see how often the word me appears? Yep, that was an eye opener when I reviewed what I just typed. But it is so true. If I hold on to control of these things, they will end up controlling me. These things can also drive a wedge between me and God. This is the whole point - to be closer to Him and give Him all the control.

The heart of the matter truly is: Can I trust God? Will I trust God?

My "head" answer and the expected one is, "Of course, I trust God." But the proof isn't in saying it. The proof is daily trusting Him in all areas. Yeah, that's full surrender.

Oh, precious sisters and brothers in Christ, I'm still working on it, but I don't want to settle for anything less than His real thing.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Daily Surrender and Sacrifice

"Our initial surrender to Christ was the launching pad for a lifetime of continual surrender and sacrifice. Now on a daily basis we are called to live that out by responding to various circumstances and choices in obedience and surrender to His will."

"Realizing that every act of obedience is significant in God's economy and that it is all for Him will add a sense of purpose and joy as we bring our sacrifices and offerings."

I think I've often felt that on the day I was saved that was my surrender, but that was just the initial surrender in a lifetime commitment to continue this action.

Daily I have to decide to obey His leading. There are times I yank back that control in my ignorance. This might be a momentary feeling that I know what needs to be done next. Or sometimes this is a reaction of fear about what God might call on me to do or say or be.

However, when I successfully stay in a posture of surrender to His will, there is a sense of purpose and even joy.

Specifically I feel God would want me to:
Give my best at my job, working as unto the Lord.
Shine His light in the darkness, being salt and light.
Be sensitive to the Spirit in me and what He might urge me to do, say, or act.
Just love, seeing others as Christ sees them - worth it.

Here are the roadblocks I have to be careful of:
Nobody cares if I do a good job. Why should I try?
I'm just one person. What good is my little light?
Others won't respect what I might say or do?
"Those" people are hard to love.

Lord, help me bust through the roadblocks to do what You would have me to do.

What has God called you to do or say? Have you held back?

(Quotes from Surrender by Nancy Leigh DeMoss)