On my desk I have a calendar with quotes and Bible passages from Elizabeth George. Often lines from that calendar stick in my brain for days. Let me share about one such day.
The date on the page is February 28. Here is what is printed there: "Describe the woman you want to be spiritually ten years from now ... Imagine what those intervening years might hold, and you'll see that you will need God for the events of those years!"
There are many books, webinars, classes, journals, and the list goes on, which involve taking a look at where you are today and where you want to be. But most of those are focused upon gaining wealth or success. Presenters and authors will give you ten easy steps to do this or buy this book or enroll in this class and we'll show you how to make millions or be successful.
How often do we stop and consider where we want to be spiritually? And does this pursuit not take focus and planning as well?
A day later, on March 1st, George's calendar pages reads: "You determine some elements of the heart. You decide what you will or will not do, whether you will or will not grow. You also decide the rate at which you will grow - the hit-and-miss rate, the measles rate (a sudden rash here and there), the 5-minute-a-day rate, or the 30-minute-a-day rate. You decide if you want to be a mushroom - which appears for a night and shrivels away at the first hint of wind or heat - or an oak tree, which lasts and lasts and lasts, becoming stronger and mightier with each passing year."
When I ask myself where I want to be spiritually in ten years or even just next year, I would hope to be on my way to becoming that mighty oak tree. But just hoping for it won't make it happen. I have to decide to do the things that will cause the growth.
I'm still in the process of describing the woman I want to be spiritually ten years from now. But I feel just stopping to consider this helps my focus and corrects many goals.
Have you ever considered the spiritual person you want to be ten years from now?
Love this! I believe it's the first area to focus on, and the rest will fall in line with it.
Thanks Paula.
Thanks Julie. And you're so right. If we're the right person spiritually, then we'll be exactly what we're supposed to be in all arenas. Thanks for reminding me with that insight.
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