Saturday, November 28, 2015

Plans Seen to Completion

How are you with finishing projects? I suppose I would rank average. But I am often guilty of beginning a project and then setting it aside when other demands scream louder. This isn't always the best thing to do because some of my projects need to rank as just as important.

Isn't it great that our God never has a moment He has to set us aside to work on another project? He created the plan for our lives at the very beginning.

"your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." Psalms 139:16

Does it blow your mind like it does mine that God already had a plan for you before you were ever born? In Jeremiah 29:11 we are told that He knows the plans He has for us and that plan involves a future and a hope.

Not only does God have a plan, He will see to it that it is completed.

"being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6

God will complete the plan He has for you all the way until you are perfect in Christ when you arrive in heaven.

Our job as Christians is to continue to follow His leading, always seeking Him and focusing on Him. We keep gaining maturity in our faith through studying His Word, prayer, and worship. We allow Him to make us fruitful in our callings.

I'm so thankful that God isn't like me. I'm glad He sticks to the plan He has for me and will see it through to completion.

How does it make you feel that God had a plan for you before you were even known? And how does it make you feel that He will carry out His plan for you? Bask in the thought that He is never too busy and will set you aside. He's tirelessly working you to completion!


Unknown said...

Good blog girlfriend. Full of Hope. In this confused day and time, it's easy to loose that. We should never let the world take our eyes off of the Lord.

Unknown said...

Refreshing reminder that God completes everything He begins...especially when incompleteness plagues me so often :(

Nancy said...

No, the messiness of life doesn't go away just because we follow Jesus Christ. We do have a resource, though, with the KJ bible, and we can pray, and learn to trust God in everything. That often quoted verse:Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding", is so important, and means more to me today than it did a year ago.