Addy, introduce yourself to the readers.
I'm Addy Townsend. I'm a pastor's wife and a part time dental assistant. My husband is Griffey, and I have a daughter, Elianna who's in college. We live in a quiet little neighborhood in East Tennessee.
As a pastor's wife, you probably have a lot of responsibility in your church.
I am involved in my church, naturally. I sing in the adult choir. I also work in the nursery during Sunday school, because I just can't get enough of those little ones. I'm in a women's Bible study group once a week. I'm not much into leadership - I leave that to Griffey. He's the gifted one there. Sometimes I've wondered why God made me a pastor's wife because I don't feel I add much to Griffey's ministry. Griffey disagrees, but I feel I could support him more.
While we're on the subject of church - What spiritual gifts do you have?
Well, the two big ones that I identified were encouragement and discernment. I often wonder if the encouragement gift was a mistake. I'm not very outgoing, so I don't think I fulfill this gift.
What about hobbies or pasttimes?
My favorite pasttime is reading. I particularly love to read anything by Karen Kingsbury. I enjoy getting lost in a Christian fiction.
I do also try to stay in shape by walking in our neighborhood. I've been fairly consistent in this for several years now.
I'm not sure if this qualifies as a pasttime, but I love to eat Chinese food with my friend, Emily. We eat and talk once a week, on one of my days off.
What goals do you have for the future?
Hmmm. I must admit that I have been praying about this very thing recently. I've felt in a rut. I asked that God would show me how I might do something of significance for Him. I'm a little fearful He might ask me step out of my comfort zone for such an endeavor. But, I'll see what He has in store.
Thank you, Addy for stopping by. You'll have to visit again and let us know what God leads you to do of significance for Him. I'd be interested to hear about that.
Read more about Addy in THE BLESSING SEER from Harbourlight. Release date coming soon.